
Muzikaliteit in je dans online

10 dec 2020 – 20:30-22:00

United Kingdom
Leraar : Koen Dhondt
Doelpubliek : Beginner, Gevorderden, Halfgevorderden
Geen voorverkoop of inschrijving via de website van Frisse Folk voor dit evenement. Meer info hieronder.
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Vrije bijdrage 1,00€

Online Stage Muzikaliteit in je dans door Koen Dhondt



7:30 to 9:00 pm GMT, which is 20h30 to 22h00 on the European continent!  
music and dance session after the workshop for those who want, from 9:00 to 11 pm GMT.

Dancing on musical patterns in scottish : off beat / back beat, syncopation, solo / improvisation…
Are you curious about frequent musical patterns in folk music, and more specificly in scottish? Ready to explore their impact on your way of dancing? Not afraid to (learn to) improvise on the music? Then sign up for this workshop! No partner, dance experience nor musical knowledge required.
  • Musicality in scottish: dance variations in connection with the music.
  • Info and tips to understand folk music: structure, rhythms, melodies, bars, beats, solo / improvisations,…
  • Listening exercises: Which musical element appears in this song? At what moment does it occur? And how can I predict when it will appear again?
  • How to improvise your own variations in connection with the music, during the dance?

Practical info about this on line workshop

Online workshop on Zoom. Here you can obtain access to the zoom link, via the website of the organisers.
You will need to do a donation of minimum £2 ( 1 pound = 1,11 euro).

Fair trade contribution

Good dance workshops are labour-intensive, both for the teacher and for the organiser. At Frisse Folk we try to pay for all this work in a fair way. You can support our vision by paying a generous contribution to Sheffield Eurosessions, on a voluntary basis.   More info

Praktische informatie


Deze stage wordt in eenvoudig Engels gegeven. 


We vragen je om een kwartier op voorhand aanwezig te zijn, zodat we stipt kunnen beginnen.


Alle niveaus
Er is geen enkele voorkennis van dans of muziek(theorie) vereist.


Je hebt geen danspartner nodig voor deze stage. 


Sheffield Eurosession
Sheffield Eurosession